Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wormrock as Indicator Species

Indicator Species: helpful methodology
I am working on a project that includes establishing a methodology for monitoring my favorite on-shore reef in Florida. Establishing indicator species for habitat monitoring is an excellent way to study ecological health.

Wormrock as Indicator Species

Wormrock is a personal trait of this reef.Wormrock is an indicator species for Coral Cove Park on Jupiter Island.This time of year wormrock blankets the baserock and reef tract of this snorkel destination.If you are studying Wormrock habitat, I would like to suggest a snorkel at Jupiter Island, Florida in late November early December.

Other Indicator species for Jupiter Island include:Snook, Sea Turtles, Wrasse, Gobies, Parrotfish, Conch, Crabs, Angelfish, Surgeonfish, Tangs, Sea Urchins and Sharks.

Indicator species as WIKI defined:indicator species is any biological species that defines a trait or characteristic of the environment. For example, a species may delineate an ecoregion or indicate an environmental condition such as a disease outbreak, pollution, species competition or climate change. Indicator species can be among the most sensitive species in a region, & some times acting as an early warning to monitoring biologists

Learn more about EarthRehab here.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Florida Water lectures for November 2008

Good to the last drop: Water Lectures for November 2008
Palm Beach and Martin County Florida

Friday November 7th- Friends of the Loxahatchee River Meeting
The meeting is at noon at the River Center and a light lunch will be served. Our guest speaker will be David Roach from the Florida Inland Navigation District. He will present a brief history of the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway and its current use and management.
Contact Jocelyn P. O'Neill Environmental Education Coordinator for more details.

Tuesday November 11th- Palm Beach Reef Research Team
The meeting is held from 7pm-9pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in Building 509 of the ERM complex. For more information contact Lin Creel

Thursday November 13th - Loggerhead Marine Life Center Lecture
“Changing Tides: Strategies to Protect America’s Oceans." From 6:30-9pmGuest Speaker: David White, Director, Ocean Conservancy. Wine and Cheese reception is included. Cost is $5 for LMC members and $8 non-members. Seating limited; RSVP is required. Contact Loggerhead MLC

Saturday November 17th- Tequesta Harvest Festival Lecture
“The State of the Oceans; first Global then Local”; 2 presentations regarding Florida’s impending water crisis. Guest Speakers: Terry Gibson and William Djubin.
At 1:30pm speakers will present an informative view into the most current state of our global ocean eco-systems. William will discuss Reef Check, EPA Clean Water Act, inland waters impaired and salt water intrusion action.Then at 3:30 PM he will discuss the state of Florida Reefs, speaking on a local level about the same topics as above

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Florida Water Quality for Reefs and Human Health 2008

Environmental News for Florida; the last 30 days

This Florida News briefing made possible from the sale of Green License Plates and EarthRehab

Florida has been a hot spot for Environmental News over the last 30 days. I would like to highlight and link to a few great moments.

June 24, 2008- Governor Crist tells US Sugar to pack their bags and buys back a section of the “River of Grass.”
The Sugar Deal

July 7-11, 2008- To kick off the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Governor Charlie Crist signed a bill to close all of the sewage pipes that pump 300 million gallons of untreated sewage into the Atlantic Gulf-stream. Ed Tichenor and Reef Rescue of the Palm Beaches get the hard won victory and credit.
The Sewage Deal

July 16, 2008- Surfrider Foundation and the City of Lake Worth join in a lawsuit to stop the useless Dredge and Fill projects that suffocate the Reefs.
The Dredge Lawsuit

July 16, 2008- Ciguatera Outbreak, 5 cases reported in Florida. Ciguatera is a disease caused when you eat reef fish that have consumed Harmful Algae Blooms.
The Ciguatera Outbreak

July 17, 2008- EarthJustice files a lawsuit for Clean Water Act enforcement in Florida vs. Harmful Algae Blooms.
The Clean Water Lawsuit

Help celebrate Environmental Victories and support Nature Research with the 100% Bright Blank Recycled Green License Plate by EarthRehab.Check out the photos.

Monday, July 14, 2008

11th International Coral Reef Symposium; summary

ICRS 2008/ 11th International Coral Reef Symposium
The International Year of the Reef 2008
Broward County Convention Center, Ft. Lauderdale Florida
July 7-11, 2008

EarthRehab, WJTW, and Taras Oceanographic made the following journal and summary possible. Author: William Djubin, Founder of EarthRehab.

EarthRehab was founded to create Global Awareness and Funding for Nature Research.
Many thanks go to EPA, ERM, World Bank, The Nature Conservancy, NOAA, Reef Check and participating Scientists from around the World. This Symposium had over 3,500 attendees with the same agenda “Reefs for the Future”.

During my visits to the Symposium I tried to get a daily healthy mix of venues, The Reef and Ocean Free Education and Expo, Press Briefings, Scientific Lectures, and Posters.

Facts pertaining to Coral Reef Ecosystems:
Seas and oceans comprise over 70% of the Earth’s surface
Coral Reefs occupy less than ¼ of 1 percent of the marine environment
Greater than 25% of all marine fish species live on coral reefs
More than 500 million people across the world depend on coral reefs for food, coastal protection, livelihoods, and tourism income
More than 30 million people (poor nations) depend almost entirely on coral reefs for food and protection.
In 1998 approximately 16% of the world’s coral reefs died due to temperature change and coral bleaching.
In 2005 bleaching records for Belize; USVI and Mexico 25%-45%; Caribbean 50%-95%; Trinidad and Tobago 85%;

Day 1

To kick off the event in typical 2008 Year of the Reef fashion, Governor Charlie Crist signed a bill to close all of the sewage pipes that pump 300 million gallons of untreated sewage into the Atlantic Gulf-stream. Ed Tichenor and Reef Rescue of the Palm Beaches get the hard won victory and credit.

Day 2

Media Press Release Coral Reef Fish, where are they going? Presentations by Geoffrey Jones, Bob Warner, and Phil Munday
· 30-60% of reef species return to place of birth and can migrate up to 30 Km.
· Climate Change is degrading the Habitat with Coral Bleaching, Loss of Coral, and Ocean Acidification
Question for the panel - If we could rejuvenate the Coral Reef Ecosystem and Tropical Reef Fish stock levels, would this reduce rising ocean temperatures and acidification?
Answer from panel – No; we are too far in the process. Global Climate change and Green House Gases must be taken seriously now before disastrous events occur.
I met the EPA. William Fisher of the EPA welcomed me to the Symposium and we spoke of TMDL and WQMS for the world’s oceans. The EPA addressed the scientific community regarding Biological Assessments and Defensible Monitoring utilizing the Clean Water Act and Reef Check methodologies.

Day 3
Media Press Release Coral Disease Beyond the Symptoms. Presentations by Drew Harvell, John Bruno, Laurie Raymundo, Tyler Christensen
· Climate change is affecting coral reefs with disease; we need to reduce emission levels to reduce stress on the reef system. Marine protected areas with a more diverse community of fishes showed less disease. Seaweed and algae do not cause coral disease or bleaching; however, dissolved organic carbon does. We must maintain a diversity of reef fishes.
EPA Patricia Bradley made a presentation regarding the Clean Water Act to protect Marine Managed Areas or monitored reef ecosystems from land based pollution. Encouraged scientists to utilize the authority of the Clean Water Act for Bio-criteria, gave special thanks to William Fisher.

Day 4
Media Press Release Untold Stories of Climate Change and Corals. Presentations by Simon Donner, Douglas Fenner, Guillermo Diaz-Pulido, Susan Colley, Dr. Finn
· 3 specific separate factors: rising CO2 not climate change, rising ocean temperatures, changing ocean chemistry
· American Samoa has a constant 5year bleaching, death, re-growth cycle
· We must separate and understand 2 types of algae good vs. bad
· Seaweeds and algae do not fair well with high CO2 either
· Pacific Ocean from Mexico to S. America including the Galapagos Islands reporting marginal and disturbed habitat for coral reefs, no coral reefs exist in Galapagos only reef colonies
· Calcifying Organisms cannot withstand ocean acidification and CO2 rising levels
· Effects of Global Climate Change have a lag affect, it will take a long time to slow the processes, and we need immediate actions.

Question for the panel - How much affect does land based pollution has on bad algae outbreaks?
Answer from panel- Answer: Increased growth rate of bad algae with nutrient rich waters.

Question for the panel - How much affect does land based pollution has on Ocean Acidification?
Answer from panel- This is a location specific question: Florida has a nutrient issue with ocean pollution, and nutrient issues do not exist worldwide. Bleaching will become a problem before Ocean Acidification due to ocean temperatures rising. With acidification, deep ocean reefs will be the first affected, saturation of deeper reefs make them more vulnerable and at risk

Media Press Release NOAA Conrad Lautenbacher Administrator, Admiral
Admiral Lautenbacher attends the symposium to support NOAA and the scientists
Life in the oceans sustain life on Earth
Florida Keys NMS a success NHINM single largest coral reef achievement in the World
Our degrading reef problem is an international problem, NOAA committed to climate study, climate monitoring, interactment with IPCC, provide science for climatologist,
Global Carbon Monitoring System is needed now; satellite and ground based collaboration.. US has 60 carbon monitoring stations in place.
Currently NOAA is under budgeted and reached a plateau from Congress. President Bush aided with additional funds. Future climate is favorable for budgets, and the G8 outcome looks positive
Ocean illiteracy is the United States’ biggest problem and we need to educate.

Closing Statements

We can reduce land-based pollution now
We can reduce over fishing now
We need to buy time now while we solve our Greenhouse fuel emissions issues or our reef systems will collapse
I have full abstracts from the Press Briefings and posted photography on Flickr.

Visit the Group 11th International Coral Reef Symposium to view pics of presentations, posters, press releases.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

World Ocean Day 2008 with EarthRehab

Celebrate World Ocean Day June 8th

Discover the many fascinations of the Coral Reef Eco-system, just off shore with EarthRehab.

Saturday June 7th and Sunday June 8th we will discover the many fascinations of an on-shore reef located just off the Jupiter Island Beaches.

The On-shore reef system is a very delicate, fragile environment with many species of Algae, Live Rock, Invertebrates, Fishes, Cephalopods, and Crustaceans.

Occasional visits from Large Schools of Fish, Manatee’s, Sea Turtles, Barracuda, Sharks, and Cuttlefish is not rare.

Underwater Digital Photo’s will be taken to share with the online community of Ocean Activists.
Join us from 11am till 2pm @ Coral Cove Park, we have some snorkel gear available to borrow complimentary.
Don’t miss this event. Contact William at for more details.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Enforce the Clean Water Act of 1972 in Florida

Citizen Enforcement

The drafters of the Clean Water Act foresaw failures in 1972.
The CWA allows citizens to sue the EPA for not doing their own
work or making sure the states do theirs. If the state agency
is failing to stop water pollution and permit violations,
citizens can file an 118a complaint letter to the commissioner
of DEP or EPA reporting the violation. The commissioner is
obligated to look into the lack of enforcement and report.


Trying to save a Coral Reef is an exciting move, and one that I face everyday. The problem is that we pollute too much of the Oceans Waters. We could send 10,000 Eco-divers to remove the bad bacterium and algae from your Reef but without proper Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution Control it would be a huge waste of time. Sign the Declaration of Reef Rights and the Enforce the Federal Clean Water Act petition online.

In Florida a steady Black River of Death and Pollution stretch to the Gulfstream Atlantic everyday from every port.

I met with the President/Founder of Reef Check Dr.Gregor Hodgson at the Green Living Expo in LA. and we talked Ocean Pollution. As well at the Expo was Mary Luna the NGO coordinator for the International Year of the Reef 2008, we talked Ocean Pollution. I met with the Executive Director of Perry Institute for Marine Science Dr. John Marr at my beach cleanup in Florida and we talked Ocean Pollution.

Then I drove over the Roosevelt Bridge that stretches over the St. Lucie River from Stuart to Jensen Beach and saw a Black River of Death and Pollution as far as eyes could see. This prompted me to (a) find out who is responsible and report the pollution (b) draft a petition to Enforce the Federal Clean Water Act (DEP) and (EPA).

Many States have had success with inviting the EPA to Enforce their States disposition, not Florida, too much work, not enough staff.... Let the EPA know that you are concerned for the Future of our Oceans by investigating the Water Quality that exits to the Gulfstream Daily.

Sign this petition online, or download the Original.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Right in my Backyard

Right in My Backyard

Water Restrictions continue to plague my neighborhood; and one thing has got me confused.
I have been studying TMDL and WQMS for some time.
I own a home in North Palm Beach County and I have been told that I will face a higher water bill for water that I do not consume.
Basically the cost is to water down the pollution and sewage that development and bad decisions have created.

Lets face the facts:
We are being surcharged for mistakes.
We are being sanctioned for future profits from agriculture for energy and development.
We owe it to Florida to expose these facts and understand the consequences.

When politicians celebrate Any Energy Decision without understanding the consequence I could get sick, instantly.
When our Ocean Eco-systems cease to operate with efficiency, we will all pay a fatal price.

Protect the Ocean Eco-systems and stop un-necessary polluting today.

EarthRehab was created to support Nature Research on the Front-Line:

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Water Quality Monitoring and TMDL

The Term Water Quality Monitoring and Abbreviations WQMS and TMDL will become more familiar over the next century.
The simple fact that our Current System for calculating TMDL or Total Maximum Daily Loads for a Water Quality Monitoring Standard is broken.You could spend an entire week researching future and past meeting minutes and power point presentations regarding WQMS and come to the only conclusion, our current Water Quality Monitoring System is broken; and the standard for judging clean healthy water is broken.
Here are the Minutes for a meeting in December 2007:

If any Group or Foundation claims to be a Coral Reef Initiative, the very first step should be a Water Quality Monitoring Program.Without a Water Quality Monitoring Program in place and working they are just spinning their wheels and wasting their investors money.

EarthRehab has established a Coral Reef Initiative in which Phase 1 is to establish a Water Quality Monitoring Program for South East Florida and The Atlantic Ocean Gulf-stream.

The funding for this program is made possible solely by the sale of Our Green License Plate, with proceeds to benefit Nature Research.visit

Monday, February 18, 2008

In celebration of the International Year of the Reef 2008

In celebration of the International Year of the Reef 2008
EarthRehab & the Green License Plate campaign has added these 2 Outstanding Coral Reef Activists Foundations for Proceeds:

1. Reef Check- a Worldwide Ocean Advocate that has Global Leadership in addressing the current State of our Reefs, Water Quality Monitoring efforts, and Collaboration effectiveness for bringing about change

2. Reef Rescue of Palm Beach County- A Florida based Coral Reef Advocate with an on-going commitment to legislation and action vs. Ocean Sewage Pollution and a stricter Water Quality Monitoring Program utilizing collaborative efforts to bring about change.
We are very pleased to also add a MetaTag link for IYOR 2008 to our Foundations Links Page.

Visit EarthRehab today. Follow this link.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Coral Reef Bleaching, Lost at Sea

February 10, 2008 finally the water conditions appeared good enough to dive Coral Cove Park in Jupiter.
It has been at least 3 months of waiting, the photo's above are what I saw.
I am not too sure whether this is a living coral or the remains of a dead bleached coral.
I do know that it was not here 3 months ago.
I felt Lost at Sea, I used to know every nook and cranny of this Reef Park, I recognized nothing.
Is this the end for the Living Reef Eco-systems in North Palm Beach?